Archive for the ‘Poems’ Category


Poem Day : Change

6 March , 2008

I know I promised that this week would be back to business as usual, but there are some mitigating circumstances…like for instance that I was woken up this morning by the police shining a blasted torch in my eyes! Subsequently I have not had a chance to write a new poem today because it took some time to get all 6 of them out of the house again, but I’ve dug up one from the archives that has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel at the moment, and I will tell you more about the chaos tonight when I come home from work.

This promises to be a very peculiar day…I’ll tell you all tonight. Have a kick-ass day! 😉



Poem Day : Tell me more…

14 February , 2008


Well, I have just had another f-ing BRILLIANT day. I made a deal that I’ve been working on for three days and that even the Demi-god-Sales-Guru-Iain didn’t think I was going to be able to push through to the end. (Amongst other things I had the dubious pleasure having to convince our customer that I was not a serial killer and he could trust me with his personal details).This is one gentleman in the UK that will be very lonely now that he doesn’t have me to tying up his phone all day long trying get this deal done. Hehehe… have I mentioned what a good nag I was? No? Oh well, best I don’t mention it now then. 😉

I am seriously working for the best company in the world, and I am part of the most amazing team of people. I love it so much that I get up early in the morning and I just can’t wait to get to work! (Hahaha…that sounds kind of sad if you don’t know these people). A few days ago I was down in the dumps again about not getting through to the people I needed to get through to (customers), and of course the sudden upheaval of my imminent relocation and the surrounding drama – and this is how cool they are: Firstly, I got called in so that they could ask me if there was something wrong – not because I was looking unhappy, but because I wasn’t looking AS happy as I usually do. Secondly, after bawling my eyes out about all my troubles the company wanted very much to help me organise the moving van and what not to take the stress off me so I could focus on doing deals for them. Thirdly, when I came out of the office my team mates where so concerned about me and why I might be crying that I eventually had to spill the beans and they OFFERED to come and help me move this weekend.

If there is one fault that I have in spades it’s the fact that I am just too proud to ask for help when I need it – having it offered to me like this, without me even having to ask really touched me. How can I not love them? They are simply fantastic…

Other great news for me this week was having my cousin Melanie down here for a visit. It was just really nice to see a friendly face from back home. It’s been chaotic juggling everything so I haven’t had a chance to download the photos we took while she was here, but maybe I’ll stick some of them up over the weekend depending on how fast the move goes.

Okay…without further adoooo…here is this week’s poem…sort of a happy one again. But I feel it might be less fluffy than last week’s? Let me know what you think. 😉 Have a super Valentine’s day kids – and FFS be safe! 😉

Tell me more


Poem Day : Whose afraid of a wee little phone?

7 February , 2008

(Can you tell that I’ve been hanging out with loads of Scottish people lately?) Today was the day…they finally unleashed us upon our poor defenseless customers (to be). I was so freaked out at first to pick up the phone and do it. I can’t really say why, it’s just maybe because it’s something I’m not used to doing.

How did I motivate myself? Well, it really struck a chord with me yesterday when our boss Danny said to us, “The only person here who doesn’t believe in you, is yourself”. He told us it would be really hard to do and that you’d need a purpose to keep doing it even when you’re not having fun.

That was all very nice is theory, but I needed to bring these lessons home. So I started off thinking of what might be my purpose? I have plenty things that I want to have, or do but until now I have never really taken one and elevated it to “my purpose” status. (Except maybe for my studies…but since this is all to do with the financing of that dream, I don’t find them mutually exclusive).

I decided that it would help me if I had a photo of my brother close by, because he sounded really surprised that I was trying this out now and just a tiny bit unsure that I would be able to do it. I wanted to have him there when I did my first deal. Unfortunately I couldn’t find the specific photo I was looking for (lost in the great hard drive crash of 2007 it seems), but whilst looking for it I did come across all my photos from the sky dive…and I thought to myself…If I can jump out of a plane without being too afraid to do it, how can I be terrified of a tiny little black phone?! Makes no sense…pffft.


Even after all that, the first call was still the hardest – but I did it. I learnt a whole range of tricks (or shall we call them techniques?) today, which are really worth exploring. And….*drum roll please* I did my first deal! (Thanks to Ian and Patrick – really super guys – you rock!).

Whoohooo! This might sound silly to you, but it’s really a very big thing for me. It was the very first deal made from our SA branch, it was the only deal made today from our SA branch (hey! we’re still learning the ropes), and everyone was so happy when it happened that they came in cheering and congratulating me, gave me a big bonus for doing it first, the owner of the company phoned me up from the UK to congratulate me, my immediate manager stopped us half an hour before home time to have some beer and chit-chat, and John the genius trainer that worked his magic on us over the weekend SMS’ed me from his plane to congratulate me and ask me how I was feeling, and there has already been hints at the chance for a promotion! Isn’t that sweet?

What a f-ing awesome day… 😀 I absolutely love this job!

Right. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that it’s poem day. I tried to write a lil something to show you how good I feel but it’s come out looking and sounding like a fluffy piece of crap, of course. (I don’t feel too guilty…I have warned you all repeatedly that I usually only write when I’m feeling down). Here goes nothing 😉

Step into the light

*clicking on the image above will take you to DeviantART where you can learn more about the artist and the art.

Oh! And a very big heartfelt Happy Birthday to Henning, Adel, Esmeralda, Fran, Freddy and Bunny who all had their birthdays so far this week. I hope that all your birthday wishes come true! 😉


Poem Day : Not There

31 January , 2008

What a ride! I got home late yesterday from an INTENSE training course. I worked my ass off, but it felt great because it was challenging and fun. The gentleman who presented the course to us, John, is an absolute genius.

I will write a bit more about the experience and the adventure tonight, but what I will tell you right now is that I could have spared myself many many hours in therapy and a small fortune in self-help books if I had just attended one of John’s sales training courses. I feel absolutely BRILLIANT! 😀

I got to dash now, because I still have a fair amount of homework to get through in the next two hours and I still need to figure out what I’m going to wear to work today. (Yay! There is a strong possibility of a shopping expedition in my near future). We have been warned that if we rock up looking like someone dragged us backwards through a hedge we’ll be sent home for the day.

Here’s a little poem for you – just a quick one I had written when I obviously wasn’t as great as I do right now. Hope you all have a kick-ass day! 😀

Not There


Poem Day : Mercy

17 January , 2008

This one from the archives today – I did actually write a new one, but I can’t share it (yet). Anyhoo, hope you enjoy this one…it’s one of the first poems I ever wrote. (I know it’s a bit chaotic, but I have just never been able to make myself rewrite it).

There will be rambling again tomorrow, promise! 😉


Today seems like a very popular day to give birth. 😉 I’d like to wish a big happy birthday to HooX, Marike and SuperEts! Hope you all have an awesome birthday, and that the year ahead holds only great adventures for each of you.


*Clicking on the image will take you to DeviantART where you can learn more about the art and the artist