
Everything and the kitchen sink ramble

4 August , 2014


But, first things first. Here is the feet shot I told you about on Friday.


A colleague’s T-shirt. Hehehe, obviously also not a fan of the stick family stickers. 😉


As quickly and unexplainable as the major tantrums and out of sort-ness arrived, it has left. We have had nothing but mild and happy moods all weekend long – what a pleasure! I am extremely grateful to say the least. I guess it must just have been a case of the sicks with a side order of side effects from the meds? Anyway, whatever it was – it’s gone now. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Here’s Nicola, rocking her new princess dress made by Ouma, and Polka – post bath and hankering for a fairy wand. What glorius weather we had this past weekend too, didn’t we? Awesome. Spring is definitely upon us.

My fingers are itching to plant something!


On Saturday I went to a grown ups only lunch party (not the kind of thing I do often these days). My friend, Ivy, celebrated her 40th in a great gatsby inspired event at Second Cup Deli. It was fabulous!


The venue is very pretty, and the company was great. I didn’t think I was going to stay so long, but in the end I left with almost everyone else, when they closed at 17:00 (loooong lunch!). I enjoyed every second.


Textures. Isn’t that pretty?


The table of party goers.


The food was delicious too, so I thought I’d bombard you with a bit of that for a change.

This is a sweet potato soup with cheesy bread fingers. Delish!


You could choose out of about 6 mains or deserts (damn, just realised I never took aphoto of my cake). Anyhoo, this is a chicken and salad, obviously – and then the dressing/sauce on the side was some passion fruit balsamic thingy which went very nicely with both.

I had a piece of chocolate cake at the end…but I never stopped to take a picture, sorry.


Smoke break outside.


My cup runneth over…literally. Cuppacino with cream. Yumm!


Ivy also arranged for a photographer to attend all her festivities and to do shoots as far as they went, so I thought I’d grab a quick photo of her in action too.


Back at my parents’ place, after the party, Nicola was putting up a magic show for myself and all of her toys. Too cute!


Sunday morning…if you recognise the dress, it’s because she wasn’t willing to venture outside without it the whole weekend. I decided that it didn’t really bug me enough to insist on something else. Luckily by the end of Sunday it was so properly dirty that Nicola volunteered it for the laundry bin.


My little princess…


We popped in to see my friend, Fluffbunny, and her little bundle of joy on Sunday. Little man was born on the 9th of July, but I decided that we wouldn’t go and see him until Nicola was fully healthy again. I never want to be THAT asshole that brings flu to newborn, especially if that baby is the firstborn newborn and the mom is still blissfully unaware of how much snot comes out of a baby once they get sick.

Yip, not going to be that guy if I can help it…ever.

Nicola dragged her ballerina jewelry box along all day and played soothing music for the little guy when he briefly woke up. It actually looks like he rather enjoyed that.

Little man’s dad had a laugh at Nicola at some point.  She was drinking water and spilt a few drops on her pink dress. Like a flash she was outside in the sun for it to dry off, but she informed him on a very serious note that this was a crime against fashion! Mwahaha…he says he hopes to never hear that from his son. 😉


This morning when I arrived at work, the Queen had brought me a gift from Marcia. Can you believe how sweet they both are? What a lovely surprise.

Marcia and my line manager, the Queen, live about a block away from each other. I am suitably impressed that they manouvred this without me even getting a whiff of it beforehand.

It’s my birthday on Friday…so I am not opening it before that. But the outside is very pretty and I am extremely curious to see what’s inside! 😉

Lastly, now for the kitchen sink bit of my post:

Through circumstances unrelated to anything in the rest of this post, Nicola got to meet her paternal grandfather yesterday for the first time. We didn’t get into the relationship of it all, I just introduced him as Oom so-and-so and we spent a little bit of time there. I was silently freaking out about it before it happened of course, but so far it has actually gone really well. Nicola was completely comfortable around him and they seemed to get on pretty well.

Is this a sign of things to come? Who knows. We’ll see how things play out. I am treading egg shells on this development – equal parts happy and nervous about what this could mean for Nicola.


  1. Wow. Life is pretty interesting in your neck of the woods at the moment, isn’t it?
    Glad you’re through the storms and sailing smooth waters again. Long may it last! 🙂

    • Thanks…yip, all sorts of interesting times.

  2. Happy to hear the tantrums might have been illness related! PHEW!!!

    That Gatsby party looks so much fun!

    Ok, that last bit was shocking but glad it was a good meeting

    • I also learnt that they are being weaned off naps at school, so that probably contributes a bit too.

  3. It is a fab dress though, glad to hear there were no problems with the family meet up

    • Thank you…we’ll see what happens next I guess.

  4. Gosh Louisa…you are actually up, to date with photo posting. Well done. I loved reading this post. I also don’t like stick families…I am sitting in a very chilly Cape Town and am thoroughly envious of the gorgeous weather you are having. I would never be able to leave a gift sitting for days until my birthday. xxx

    • Haha, yes. Who would have guessed that I would ever be up to date. 😉
      Delayed gratification….I was glad I waited.

  5. I also let gifts sit! And my, how brave are you! Best of luck with the new development

    • Thank you… 🙂
      It still feels pretty strange. I get sort of hyper-vigilant when I think about it, but it’s probably a good thing.

  6. I love the dress and the Gatsby party!

    I thought the Queen would keep it til Friday but good for you for your immense self-control. (I don’t have any so presents have to be hidden from me if they are not to be opened)

    okay WOW on Nicola’s granddaddy….!

    • Really? I would have thought you’d wait. Hehe…it’s beautiful, thank you Marcia. 😀

  7. Love reading what you get up to. 🙂

  8. Sjoe. Wow. She met her Grandpa? How did that happen? I know it could NOT have been easy for you – you’re SUPER brave, my friend.
    You DO have better self-control than I do. I would have ripped it there and then!
    Glad Nicola’s all better now.

    • Well…I am speaking to him fairly often because of my friend that passed away, and he asked to meet her.

      It was never my intention to keep her away from that side of her family – it was their choice. So I thought I owed it to Nicola to let them meet and see where it goes.

      It was not an easy thing for me to do… On 11 Aug 2014 7:49 PM, “123 Blog Myself” wrote:


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