
Poem Day : Who Knows

8 March , 2009

Just before you all think I’m about to slit my wrists…this is the result of watching two sad movies in a row. šŸ˜‰

Who Knows

Unless you want to feel like this don’t watch Prozac Nation and PS I love you straight after each other.

I just noticed I made a nice typo in the last line, just read that as “will bring” or “is bringing” depending on whatever makes more sense to you please. Sorry!


  1. Great poem!

    PS I Love You was a great movie, but I never heard that many people cry out loud in a theater before.

  2. I’ll admit that I was sobbing too. So sad…at least I had warning. At least two people told me to keep some tissues handy when I watch it.

  3. heh heh… warning taken!

  4. Nothing wrong with a good bawl your eyes out movie every now and then Angel. šŸ˜‰

    Plus you have a shoulder that you could do that on and everything.

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